Since 2011 the Dutch government has been stimulating innovative and sustainable initiatives from society by creating space in legislation. This collaborative approach is known as the Green Deal approach. In 2016 KWINK groep evaluated this program.
The objective of the Green Deal approach is to facilitate dynamics in society in order to generate innovative initiatives in the field of ‘green growth’. The government facilitates these initiatives from companies, groups of citizens, CSOs and local authorities by removing bottlenecks, which arise from laws and regulations, the lack of market stimulation and the lack of a network. Since 2011 more than 200 Green Deals have been signed.
In order to determine whether the objective of the program has been achieved, the Dutch ministry of Economic Affairs has asked KWINK groep to evaluate the Green Deal approach. The study was carried out between November 2015 and May 2016. The main conclusion of the evaluation is that the objective of the Green Deal approach has indeed been achieved.
More than 1300 parties are involved in the various deals and in a survey 70% of the respondents indicate that they are positive about the added value of the Green Deals for the realization of their project. This added value primarily consists of an increased legitimacy and prominence of the initiative due to the Green Deal label. Besides this the respondents especially value the newly established contact with the relevant governmental contact.
Although the main objective has been achieved, KWINK groep has formulated several recommendations for further improvement of the Green Deals. A summary of the study and the formulated recommendations can be found here.
KWINK groep has state-of-the art knowledge on policy evaluations. We are specialized in developing and evaluating innovative network instruments such as the Green Deals, which deviate from regular policy in the policy and political accountability cycle. For example, in 2016 we also evaluated the Dutch Energy Agreement in which more than forty public and private organisations have laid the basis for a robust, future-proof energy and climate policy enjoying broad support.