In January 2015 WELMEC presented its new and updated 5+ year strategy. In this strategy WELMEC – a European Cooperation in the field of legal metrology – sets out its priorities for action for the coming years to maximize its impact.
Over the years WELMEC has grown in recognition and has become an important platform for members and other stakeholders to address issues on legal methodology. In order to meet future needs and to deal with an increasingly dynamic environment, WELMEC has updated its previous strategy which did not sufficiently cover future needs.
KWINK groep facilitated the process of identifying and formulating WELMEC’s new and up-dated strategy. In an interactive process internal as well as external stakeholders were consulted.
KWINK groep regularly facilitates processes of strategy development and has wide experience in the field of legal metrology. In 2011 as well as in 2015 KWINK groep evaluated the Dutch Metrology Act.